So I'm sorry to say there's not much to talk about this week. It rained almost all of last week here in Cape Town (Happy Spring!), and the weekend had gorgeous weather, but we were pretty lazy all around. Saturday we were invited by a friend to help deliver a boat down to Hout Bay. It was a wonderful day for a sail, apart from the wind dying about half way there, and it just really felt good to get out on the water, drive a boat and feel that little rush again. The racing season is about to kick off here in Cape Town with the first big regatta being next weekend. I have a couple contacts and I think I'll be able to get a ride for the weekend. I'll let you know.
We planned on going to Hermanus on Sunday (a great place to see the whales), but Saturday night we picked a friend up from the airport, went out for some drinks and didn't end up in bed until after 2. So our Sunday was quite lazy and we just didn't get moving soon enough to make the drive there and back when we had also made plans to have friends over on Sunday evening for a braai dinner. But it was a good weekend, filled with good friends, food and sailing. Getting out on the water always makes it an automatic 10.
Sorry so few photos this week. I took my camera out on Saturday and Eliot snapped some shots, but sad to say I didn't take any myself. Oh well...

I love the coastline from this angle.

The Lion's Head

Oh and one last thing, Sunday morning I woke up and checked my facebook to find this posted on my wall:

In case you can't read it, it says "Hi Ash! We (heart) you." A nice shout out from two of my bestest sailing friends in Bellingham, Sarah and Derrick. It really made my whole day, thanks guys. I (heart) you back! And I wish I was out enjoying that beautiful Bellingham day with you.
1 comment:
Hey Ashley and Eliot! I love love love this little blog - but it's making me miss SA so much. I love that sail down to Hout Bay. I love any sailing near Table Mountain really! Stop in and say hi at Ocean Sailing Academy on the V&A - I bet they'd love to have you teach there if you wanted to for any reason!
Oh oh, I used to sail all of the Wednesday night races at the yacht club - I had friends who had memberships there, but it seemed pretty easy to go in and out. I do know they "cancel" a lot because of "lack of wind" or "too much wind" which means "too much beer to wast, let's stay here"
Sounds like you guys are doing great and loving SA - take care!
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