To the most beautiful, amazing, talented girl I know! I love you so much and I hope your birthday brings all that you dream of and much much more. You are the best friend anyone could ever have and I miss you more than you'll ever know. I wish I was there to celebrate with you and I look forward to a day when we might live closer and we can celebrate every birthday we've ever missed.
Love! Love! Love!
~Your Kindred Spirit
Here's to you...

~Free Spirit~

~Drama Queen~

~Beauty Queen~

~A Beautiful Friend~
(Amy, Tashina, not sure who the pale girl is wearing too much makeup on the right (awkward drink face!))
And yes, I did steal these off of your facebook ;)
Great Pics!!
haha, thanks Ang! I can't take credit for any of them though, I took them all off of Tashina's facebook. I did add a Polaroid effect to them though!
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