I think by now I don't have to say that we did indeed see a lot of animals. We're still talking about our trip, and amazed at the things we saw. The lions seem to be the star attraction in the park. Everywhere you go people are looking for lions, and they tend to draw the biggest crowd of cars. But I'm quite convinced that cats don't do ANYTHING at all, unless they're hungry. All the lions we saw were normally lazing around in a shady spot. But they are incredible to see.

Mama and cubs

Loving on eachother

Probably the most charismatic animals. We had so much fun taking photos of these guys when we went on a walk around our camp one morning.

Vervet Monkeys

Chacma Baboons

The most elusive of all the animals we saw in the park. The rhinos seemed very shy, which I think is probably a good thing. They're one of the biggest targets for poachers. They're horns are sought after in the Chinese markets because they're believed to be an aphrodisiac. Completely untrue, but little seems to be stronger than the Chinese superstition. I read in an article yesterday that in Mozambique they are removing all the horns from their wild rhinos to make them less of a target for poachers, apparently the horns grow back, but I'm not sure this is really the answer.

Post mud bath

Other critters we saw


~When I was a young WARTHOG!~

~When HE was a young WARTHOG!~
(If you've never seen The Lion King that won't make sense- sorry)


~My RHYMES are bottomless~
(if you've never seen Flight of the Concords that won't make sense either- sorry again)

Hippos and Crocs

The African Buffalo- The deadliest of the Big 5


Lazy pooch having a stretch.

Spotted Hyena: Strongest jaws in the animal kingdom.

Hyenas taking over a watering hole and making the zebra very nervous. This was before the giraffe saved the day.
And I'm done. It was really a special trip for us, and I'm glad I have such great memories to keep and hold onto. We're really fortunate to be able to experience the place we're living in to such extents, and I'm glad I have an outlet to share it with you.
1 comment:
These pictures are fantastic! What an amazing trip.
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