Well... Just one for right now. There's so much going on. Holly arrived late Wednesday night. We've been having a lot of fun exploring Cape Town together. We went downtown on Thursday, hiked the Lion's Head on Friday, market shopping and wine tasting in Stellenbosch on Saturday, and Sunday Holly hung out on the beach in Langabaan while Eliot and I went kite boarding. It's really cool to have a friend from home here when we're in such a far away place. I'm so happy it worked out the way it did for her to come out and visit. Here's some photos of our adventures so far:

~Tapas for lunch in Downtown Cape Town~

~Margaritas at Poncho's, seriously, THE BEST margaritas~

~Holly on top of the Lion's Head~

~Table Mountain from the Lion's Head~

~Summertime flowers~


~Cliff face of the Lion's Head~

~Wine tasting- A definite must for anyone who visits Cape Town~


~This is one of the oldest wineries that's been here since 1659, they're in the process of preserving their cobwebs~

~Wine Barrells~
Kite boarding progression:
I'm was so excited and am still on a high after Sunday's kite boarding. I feel like it's the first day where I can actually say I went kite boarding (rather than being awkwardly dragged downwind). I'm feeling a lot happier with myself and the sport, and it seems like every time we go out things get better, and I learn a ton more. I'm goofy footed (right foot forward) so going to the right is a lot easier for me than to the left (exact opposite for Eliot), but I was able to go both ways and keep the kite powered up for a decent amount of time. It's such a rush and I'm itching to get out again.

~Tapas for lunch in Downtown Cape Town~

~Margaritas at Poncho's, seriously, THE BEST margaritas~

~Holly on top of the Lion's Head~

~Table Mountain from the Lion's Head~

~Summertime flowers~


~Cliff face of the Lion's Head~

~Wine tasting- A definite must for anyone who visits Cape Town~


~This is one of the oldest wineries that's been here since 1659, they're in the process of preserving their cobwebs~

~Wine Barrells~
Kite boarding progression:
I'm was so excited and am still on a high after Sunday's kite boarding. I feel like it's the first day where I can actually say I went kite boarding (rather than being awkwardly dragged downwind). I'm feeling a lot happier with myself and the sport, and it seems like every time we go out things get better, and I learn a ton more. I'm goofy footed (right foot forward) so going to the right is a lot easier for me than to the left (exact opposite for Eliot), but I was able to go both ways and keep the kite powered up for a decent amount of time. It's such a rush and I'm itching to get out again.
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