Thursday, February 25, 2010

Valentine's Day

I know, February is almost over, but I had to share these. On Valentine's Day Eliot surprised me with tickets to go see Flogging Molly, a celtic punk band that I love. I had heard on the radio that they were playing but I didn't know that Frank Turner was one of their opening bands, another great artist that Eliot introduced me to. So here's the photos from an amazing show that the images just don't do justice to.

The opening band The Architects

Frank Turner

Flogging Molly

The guy in red had the greatest faces in every picture I got of him.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I have a new blog!

Not to worry, Salt Heart isn't going anywhere but I've started a new online photo project HERE. It's open to anyone who wishes to contribute by sending in their photos. If you want to know what kind of photos to send in check out the blog It's just for fun, and I'd love to see what you come up with. Also, wouldn't it be cool to get photos from you guys who are sprinkled all over the US and the world right now?

Here's the link again:

Lighting Assignment

This week in my photography class, the assignment was on light. The point was to capture light in it's different forms. For example taking a photo that would otherwise be plain and normal if it weren't for the light in the photo. We could use natural light or un natural light. We were given an extra week to complete this assignment, so in the end we should have 10 photos to turn in total. This is what I've done so far.

Silhouetted drums in between sets at the concert the other night Flogging Molly

This light from the neighbors house comes in through our bedroom window every night

Frank Turner: An awesome support band for Flogging Molly

A sculpture in downtown St. Petersburg called The Circular Wave

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Eliot!

Happy Birthday Sweetheart! I love you so much and am so happy to share this day with you. Here's to many many many more birthdays.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Symmetry and Asymmetry

So this was kind of fun. At first I had a hard time with asymmetry. My instructor had a very specific rule that she wanted us to follow. But these are my five answers to symmetry and asymmetry. Let me know what you think!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My New Toy!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

1st Photography Assignment

Depth of Field

Images from my Black and White photography class. I only have one photography class right now because I have other "general education" classes that I have to get out of the way. The idea of this shoot was to capture an image from the point of view of something else other than the human eye.

So at this point I still haven't received my camera for the program and I'm still shooting with my point and shoot. That being said, I have a really nice point and shoot camera that Eliot got me for Christmas last year, and I've learned a lot from using it. But I am also really excited to get my new toy.

Any comments or critiques are very welcome. These have already been handed in and graded, but I'm interested to hear what others have to say.
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