All that hard work in China really paid off. One of the reasons for going to China was so that I could afford to buy a new computer at the end of the summer. But the summer was spent nursing my old computer. I knew it was going to go any day. It's 4 years old, I only spent $500 on it when it was brand new. I was pushing my luck. 1 week before I was set to come home the power cable broke. No way to charge my battery that only holds a charge for about an hour at the most.
So I was so excited when I could pick up this new baby! My new photo editing Dream Team.

My new 13" MacBook Pro. Originally I was going to go for the 15" but after further consideration and lots of discussion I opted for the 13" and getting a 23" screen for photo editing. Really when I thought about it 15" wasn't going to be big enough, so my solution was to get the smaller, more compact computer for transporting back and forth from school, and get the larger screen for doing serious editing at home. I'm so happy with it all and can't wait to really dive into it.